• +256752031972
  • info@perfectfinance.co.ug
  • Namuswa Plaza Opp, Makerere Small Gate Wandegeya
<strong>Asset Financing Loan</strong>

Asset Financing Loan

New and existing Perfect Finance customers who wish to access financing for movable income generating assets valued at 500,000 shillings and above.

Basic Requirements of Asset Financing Loan

  • Clearly identifiable source of additional regular income
  • Performa Invoice for the Asset from prequalified suppliers
  • The applicant must contribute at least 30% of the asset.
  • Good loan history for the case of existing borrowers
  • The asset must be purchased from Perfect Finance prequalified suppliers.
  • The asset must be comprehensively insured renewable annually.
  • Valid Individual documentation e.g.; National I.D, Passport and or Driving Permit

Benefits of Perfect Asset Financing Loan

  • Enabling Perfect Finance customers to acquire movable income generating assets valued at affordable interest rates.
  • The asset should clearly be identifiable, movable, durable and insurable e.g. Tv, Solar Panel, printing machines, Motorcycles, etc.
  • Flexible Loan repayment period.
  • Very low interest rate
  • Flexible Loan repayment period up to  4 months.